This is an international organization and not a business centre; we do not set up “customer care centres” or branches in all countries. All intending members now join through our website or through volunteers listed on our affiliate websites by paying a onetime membership application fee of N50, 000 or $200 and subsequent payment of N2000 or $20 monthly due once they become a full member if they are lucky to be approved as VIP member or we refund their money if not approved within 3-7 working days.

Please note that unlike most religions, we have no set activities, meetings or contacts like religious organizations. We are not a congregational religion. The new member comes to the organization, ideally, with his or her own goals and plans for achieving them; he presents them to us and is directed in the way that would be most mutually beneficial. Our Order is not looking for people who join and want us to “throw a party,” taking them by the hand, introducing them to their new friends, telling them what time to show up for the weekly get-together and what to wear and despite having all illuminatic tools and knowledge,  we are not Illuminati members because Illuminati no longer exist despite people false claims online that they belong to it.

Sachiel Solution Order  and Rapidspell Organization new members are not put in contact automatically, or by geographical proximity; this has been tried and found a failure. True elitists are by their nature very individualistic and neighboring members won’t necessarily have anything in common; “just being member together” isn’t enough. When we observe members making advances on their own in their chosen fields of endeavor, we will put them in contact with other members running on the same track; we’ve watched this happen many times and we’re pleased and proud to say the results are very great. There are also members who are just satisfied simply to join and be counted among the adherents to a philosophy that best embodies their own true nature.