Does your life suck? Do you suffer from some medical ailment? Do you
lack finance to acquire that which you desire? Are you fat? Do you
have trouble meeting women or men? Are you in debt? Does your job
suck? Are you barren? Have you lost hope?
If so, why haven’t you changed it? Change it this moment

Stop right there! Today is your day of luck! Thousands of things
might have happened to you by chance in the past, but this is
different. Mark this day down in your diary, because your life is
about to experience a positive and permanent change. You are not here
by chance or by accident. Your coming was divinely ordained and you
would not go back with any of the hardships that have dogged your
life, weather for a short time or a long time.

Here are secrets your pastor; imams or even your spiritual gurus would
not let you know, for if they tell you, they may lose one precious
member. Everything here is free and it works like charms. You only
have to be patient and read all the instructions below so as to
benefit from this wonderful domain of super-abundance into which you
now find yourself, free of charge. Here you would be able to find
solutions for all your financial, marital, health, and legal matter
problems in split seconds! When we say seconds we are 100% sure. Your
doubts cannot change this. And those armies of predicament that weigh
you down cannot defeat the power we are here to introduce to you.

Here your virtual contact life partner who would be assisting you
whenever you face challenges in any aspect of your life would always
be referred to as ”SOLUTION”. How do we work? We believe in ‘Karma’
(what you sow is what you reap) We also respect the golden rule: “Do
unto others as you would like them to do unto you.” For that reason we
do not take request from or work for anybody whose sole aim is to harm
others. We are only here to better the life of people spiritually,
mentally and physically, free of charge. Ranging from health
challenges to financial matters and to most any predicament, we offer
free spiritual help. However, we ask those we offer our services to
make a vow to help the organization grow, even as their desires
materialize through our services. 


After reading this post carefully, scroll down and type in your request at the comment box and click on reply  button at the bottom of this page to submit your request.

Below are samples of the format you may follow or just make your
request in your own way bearing in mind that we do not harm people
unless it is obvious they are the cause of your problem and are not
willing to repent.

We copied the following sample requests from our year 2012 old site.
just use it as a guide, since your own case may be different.

“It seems I’m not attractive to men, they don’t ask me out even the
few that comes my way don’t seem to be serious with me. Please if I
can attract my soul mate I would donate…”

“Hi Solution, please I had been working for long but no promotion. If
I’m promoted I would donate N5000.”

“Solution, I borrowed money for my business but it’s not moving. If my
creditors would soft pedals and I am able to pay back peacefully I
would donate $100 or more”

“I am a contractor and very sure I’m qualified to execute this
contract to the satisfaction of my client. Please if I win this
contract I would donate N50, 000 “

“I am a student studying hard to pass my exam if I make my papers I
would donate N1”

“With all indication I’m sure the person I’m going to meet for this
favor on Tuesday have the ability to assist me and I would not betray
him. if I obtain his favour I would donate N20…”

“I am an applicant I need a job urgently so as to fend for myself and
my family. If I secure a job I would donate $$$”

“I love this girl with all my heart but it seems she not interested in
marrying me. Please if you can do it I would donate N1,,,”

“I have been married for years but believing God for an issue. If a
child can come my way I would donate N…”

“I have a court case which I am sure I’m really fighting for my right
and not to punish someone unjustly, but my opponent is so powerful and
might influence the judge to rule against me. Please if I win this case
I would donate N1,,,”

“I have a church but my members are not making progress, as a result
of that my church is not growing. If there is improvement I would

“There is always quarrel in my home, please if peace returns I would donate …”

“I’m sick but it seems the source of this illness is spiritual cos I
have tried several hospital to no avail if I can see a solution or
cure to this illness I would donate N………… $$$”

“I want to own my own building so can be a landlord. If this happen I
would donate…”

“I am sure I can manage business very well but no fund. If help come
my way I would donate N…..$$”

“I want to further my Education but no sponsor, if a sponsor can come
my way I would donate N……$$$”

“I am going for an election and very sure within me I’m going there
for the betterment of humanity and not self gratification if I win I
would donate…”

The above are just some samples we gathered from people we have
offered our services. Feel free to make any request of your choice
that is of good intention after reading the remaining part.



Base on previous experience there are certain requests we do not
attend to here, so you would not have to say our system did not work
for you because our systems cannot fail, E.g. telling us you need one
million dollar or one million naira immediately whereas you do not
have a job and nobody is owing you such huge amount of money that you
are expecting. Even our V.I.P MEMBERSHIP SECTION where
everything is automatic does not guarantee that. (Though, you do
not need to place request here if you are a V.I.P member since you are
already been given a secret tool to make your wish come through

2. Placing multiple requests with one vow is not allowed. E.g. ” I
need a car, good health, promotion, and if my request is granted I
would donate $5000.” (Never sum everything up that way please, so we
know what we are doing). Though you can place as many request as
possible provided you place a vow alongside each request. (Not
multiple requests, one vow)

And please do not disclose your full name, phone number or e-mail
address in the request box. We are okay with your username, initials or request only
because our work is strictly spiritual.

Please do not make promises you would find difficult to fulfil. It’s
better to promise little than to promise to give us the whole world,
which you would find difficult to fulfil.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Its dangerous not to fulfill your
promise here once your problem has been solved!!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Its dangerous not to fulfil your promise here once
your problem has been solved!!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: It’s dangerous not to fulfil your vow here once
your problem has been solved!!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: It’s dangerous not to fulfil your promise here once
your problem has been solved!! 

Method of payment will be revealed to you at the end of this post.
If you are a pastor or a spiritual leader engaged in helping others
and you want us to help improve the well-being of your members, do
not drop your request or members’ requests in the request box below,
because we only cater for registered members of this site and the
V.I.P members which automatically become members of our sacred Order
(Sachiel Solution Order). So, all you need do is send E-mails or enquiries or
your requests to mypredicamentisover@rapidspell.org for

Here is a magic formula in case of emergency:

This second method is to make your wish come through in split seconds
and you do not need to make any promise, just your request only, and
your wish would be granted immediately, provided you are sure you’ve
done nothing wrong to deserve the danger you are facing at the moment.

Let’s give you instances when you could make use of this formula and
how to use it. For instance, if you are travelling on the way or if you
are at home and there is a sudden robbery attack, even if the robbers
are close by, if you still have the opportunity to make a call or send
an SMS just place a call or send an SMS to any of these numbers:
+2348104056224. If you can make the call or send text or Whatsapp message
successfully, we guarantee that Divine help will come to your way one way
or the other so instantaneously that both you and others around you
would not be harmed. Attempted robbery is just one of the instances in
which you can use the numbers. There are so many other emergencies it
can be used for. Please note that it is strictly for emergencies! You
can use it any time there is a life-threatening situation to get a
timely and divine assistance.

Another situation: if someone is intimidating you and you know that if
help does not come within minutes or so, there might be serious
consequence on your end, all you need do is to call the number. It
would be unnecessary to give a long explanation. Something like this
would be enough: “I am Miss AA from Lagos, a member of Rapidspell.org.
I need urgent assistance please”. Just make the call as if you are
talking to your brother or sister, do not brag or boast about it, nor
disclose what you have done to anybody. You can then end the call and
within seconds one way or the other Divine help would come your way
and you would be free from that danger, provided you are sure, you are
not guilty of any wrong that would make you deserve the punishment.
Because you and only you know what you harbor in your mind.

WARNING!!! Do not call or send an SMS to that number
when you know you are guilty or when you are not in any danger,
because if you do, the power that would be released for your
assistance for a purported need of help may harm you seriously!!!
WARNING!!! Do not call or send an SMS to that number when you know you
are guilty or when you are not in any danger, because if you do, the
power that would be released for your assistance for a purported need
of help may harm you seriously!!!

Next thing to do will be to donate once you are free from the danger.
You have to send mail to Rapidspell (at) gmail.com or send text/ Whatsapp message or call to
 +2348104056224 Requesting for details of payment
and make a donation according to what you can afford and according to
how much you value the assistance we have offered.

If you are a member of this site and you want to start paying your
monthly DUE, CLICK HERE and do not drop your request in the request box  below,
please send your  problem or concern to rapidspell@gmail.com we would
be glad to assist you even without making a vow provided you are Paying dues, that is a Silver member or a VIP member.

Please note that   www.rapidspell.org  www.sachielsolutionorder.org, sachielorder.org and
www.rapidspell.com is same site, same power, same people, So you can
use any of the sites without problem.

Once your problem has been solved or you just feel like making
donation to this wonderful organization for changing your life
positively since you joined the site, send mail to
rapidspell @ gmail.com or send text/ call to : +2348104056224 requesting for details of payment and make a donation according to the amount you vowed or according to how much you value
the assistance we have offered.

We accept payments worldwide :

If you are not a Nigerian or a Nigerian living abroad but want to make
a donation or you want to fulfil your promise please send e-mail to
Rapidspell @ gmail.com for details of payment.
To evaluate our method, begin by dropping your requests and vows
below, so you can experience the wonders free of charge.

As you can see, today is your day of luck!!! Solution is all around
you! Solution is with you here! Solution will go with you everywhere
you go from this moment! Do not take this as ordinary. We can help
you, but you also need o help yourself by taking the right step now!
Make no delay!

As you type in your request, all things are set in motion towards the
realization of your desires. Every living thing, every inanimate
thing, and all things unimaginable, are ordained to bring into
existence that which you want. All forces are now beginning to work in
that direction. All things are beginning to operate positively in your
favor. The minds of people, everywhere, are being divinely influenced
to do the things necessary to bring about the fulfilling of your
desires. They are being divinely ordained to work for you, though
unconsciously. Your doubts can never stop your request here from

As you receive this great favour in life, do not keep it to yourself.
Whatever gloom follow you in life, there are people facing worse
situations. So the first good thing you should do is to refer as many
people as possible to this site so that they too can find Solution,
the Giver of instantaneous help.

As you sow so shall you reap!!!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: It’s dangerous not to fulfil your
vow here once your problem has been solved!!

To avoid stress of placing request
Click HERE to

pay your monthly due

To buy any of our powerful spiritual products

To become a VIP member
Click HERE

Congrats! As you send your requests and make your vows, you have
embraced Solution and solutions will start flooding into your life in
case of any predicament.






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